Universal Mentors Association

What Are The Benefits Of Using Videos In Corporate Training?


How Do Videos Elevate Your Employee Training Program?

Taking a look around us, it’s easy to understand that we are living in the era of video. From smart devices to commercials and social media platforms, it all seems to be revolving around it. Although video has also made its way into the world of learning, businesses don’t seem to have taken full advantage of this eLearning trend yet. If you are still hesitant to try video-based learning, we hope this article will change your mind. Let’s explore some of the numerous benefits of using videos in your corporate training program.

7 Benefits Of Incorporating Videos In Employee Training

1. Increased Comprehension And Information Retention

Employees are often hesitant to take on a training course on top of their busy schedules. Especially when traditional courses require them to devote a significant amount of time to reading pages upon pages of material. Video-based training can reduce cognitive load by summing up large amounts of information into an easily digestible formula that takes much less effort to process. Besides, a picture is worth a thousand words. Using videos in your training program also ensures higher information retention, as it requires learners to utilize more than one sense in the learning process. The more immersed the learners, the more lasting the impact of training.

2. Increased Learner Engagement

Gone are the days when employees would complete courses just because they had to. Now, businesses are committed to making training entertaining and captivating so that it truly adds value to employee development. Video is engaging to employees and learners overall for a variety of reasons. Firstly, by definition, videos include images, animation, music, and interactive elements that capture the viewer’s attention and hold it for much longer than a text presentation would. Moreover, they offer a pleasant break from the busy workday, thus prompting employees to keep learning. However, the most captivating benefit of video-based training comes up next.

3. Guaranteed Flexibility

Nowadays, the corporate world is running at a different speed, making flexibility a top priority for employees. Training is not supposed to limit them any longer to sitting in conference rooms for hours. Employees need to be able to train on demand and have access to microlearning content, regardless of their location. Seeing as videos last only a few minutes and can be watched on any device, they certainly check all these boxes. In addition to that, videos are easily customizable to adapt to different learning styles. They can gravitate more towards visual, auditory, immersive, or mixed stimuli, thus covering almost all learning preferences.

4. Enhanced Employee Satisfaction And Productivity

Personal and professional development is becoming more and more important for employees. In fact, development opportunities are a deciding factor in whether they will stay with an employer or not. As a result, providing them with an effective training program that is not only engaging but also makes a visible impact on their careers can significantly affect employee retention rates. Moreover, video-based learning supports employees in honing their skills more quickly than other training techniques and helps them achieve unprecedented levels of productivity. This is obviously great news for any organization, as a motivated and skilled workforce drives innovation and profitability.

5. Enhanced Interactivity

Some may argue that training programs that largely consist of watching videos are a passive and uninteresting way to learn. But that is far from the truth, as interactivity is an undeniable benefit of using videos in your corporate training program. All you have to do is include interactive elements, such as quizzes, polls, or surveys, after or during each video module. These would serve multiple purposes, as they would keep learners engaged, help them extract the most essential information from the video they just watched, and give instructors useful data regarding the effectiveness of the course.

6. Lower Training Costs

Another benefit of using videos is that it eliminates most of the costs associated with traditional training methods. You don’t have to print material, hire instructors, or lease locations to hold on-site training for multiple participants. In addition, you can adapt the production process to your budget and invest in software that allows you to make simpler or more professional-looking videos. You can rest assured that either choice would bring great learning results. Finally, the fact that they can so easily be reused allows you to create a video library that your employees will be able to use for a long time.

7. Scalability For The Future

As your company grows, it only makes sense that your training program will have to accommodate more learners. However, once you have invested in a video-sharing platform or Learning Management System that hosts them, it doesn’t make a difference if dozens or hundreds have access to it. And if you want to go international, videos have a solution again. Compared to traditional learning material that would need to be designed from scratch, videos allow you to easily add subtitles or dubbing in different languages. This helps you keep the cost low while pushing for growth and diversity in your organization.


The preferences of learners have changed, and there’s no reason to stay stuck on outdated learning methods. Besides, the benefits of using videos in corporate training programs are too many to ignore. Hopefully, this article has convinced you to leverage video-based learning to support your workforce in achieving their maximum potential and preparing for the future.


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