Universal Mentors Association

Thriving In The New Economy: The Power Of Microlearning And Multidisciplinary Skills


Multidisciplinary Skills: The Key To Success In The New Economy

In the rapidly evolving new economy, disruptions caused by technology have reshaped the job market, requiring professionals to continuously upskill and adapt. To succeed in this dynamic landscape, individuals must embrace the habit of life-long learning and cultivate a multidisciplinary profile with a diverse skill set. Let’s discuss upskilling in this new world and the advantages of being a “jack-of-all-trades” in achieving professional success.

Disruptions And Changing Job Market

Technological advancements have profoundly disrupted the job market, altering traditional roles and creating new opportunities. According to the Future of Jobs report by the World Economic Forum, automation and Artificial Intelligence will displace approximately 85 million jobs by 2025. More than 75% of companies intend to adopt new technologies (Big Data, cloud computing, and AI, among others) in the next five years. This shift necessitates a proactive response from professionals who must develop the skills required in the emerging job market.

Lifelong Learning For Professional Success

With a rapidly shrinking shelf life of skills, professionals must adapt to evolving demands to remain competitive in the new economy. According to a study by McKinsey Global Institute, nearly 50% of the activities people are paid to perform could be automated using existing technologies, indicating that traditional job roles are being redefined, requiring individuals to acquire new and relevant skills to secure future employment. Developing a high learning agility, and nurturing a habit for lifelong learning is the key to professional success.

The Importance Of Multidisciplinary Skills

The new economy favors professionals with a multidisciplinary profile and a diverse skill set. The ability to leverage knowledge and skills across different domains is highly valuable in today’s rapidly changing job market. While there are those who argue that being a “jack-of-all-trades” may imply a lack of expertise, in the context of the new economy, it does not suggest a compromise in mastery. Rather, it emphasizes the importance of cultivating depth in specific areas while also possessing breadth across multiple domains. This combination of specialization and versatility empowers professionals to navigate complex challenges, think critically, and adapt to new circumstances.

Multidisciplinary professionals possess the advantage of being able to adapt to various roles, industries, and emerging trends. They can bridge gaps between different departments or domains within organizations, fostering collaboration and innovation. For example, an individual with a background in finance who also possesses programming skills can utilize data analysis and automation to streamline financial processes. By combining skills from different disciplines, professionals become versatile problem solvers and agile learners and contribute unique perspectives and insights to teams and organizations.

On the individual front, having a multidisciplinary profile enables professionals to navigate industry changes more effectively. As technological disruptions continue to reshape the job market, and traditional roles are being replaced or redefined, professionals with a diverse skill set are better equipped to pivot and transition into new roles or industries. Professionals who embrace a multidisciplinary approach continuously learn and integrate new information, developing a holistic understanding of their field and the interconnectedness of different domains. They can identify emerging trends and seize opportunities that align with their versatile skill set.

Microlearning: A Key Enabler Of Upskilling And Reskilling

Microlearning has emerged as a powerful tool in the pursuit of lifelong learning. The short, focused, and easily accessible learning modules delivered in this format cater to specific skill development needs and offer several advantages over traditional methods of learning, such as long-term courses or degree programs.

  • Flexibility and convenience
    Professionals can access learning materials anytime and anywhere, fitting their studies into their busy schedules. This enables them to engage in continuous learning without disrupting their work or personal commitments.
  • Targeted learning experiences
    Professionals can focus on specific skills or competencies that align with their career goals or the evolving demands of the job market. This personalized approach optimizes the learning process, ensuring that efforts directly contribute to professional growth and employability.
  • Just-in-time learning
    Professionals can acquire new knowledge and skills on-demand, exactly when they are needed. For instance, they can quickly learn about a new programming language, digital marketing technique, or data analysis tool before applying it to their work. This agile learning approach ensures that professionals are up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies.

Existing eLearning platforms like Udemy, LinkedIn Learning, Coursera, and Skillshare offer a vast array of courses, ranging from technical skills like coding and data analysis to soft skills like leadership and communication. But there are also many new microlearning platforms, which focus on a more dynamic and engaging format targeted at the younger population in the workforce. Platforms like Uptime Learning, Headway, 7Taps, and Adaptiv offer professionals an opportunity to gain new skills while on the move.


Microlearning can serve as a key enabler, providing flexible, targeted, and just-in-time learning opportunities, in an extremely uncertain job market, characterized by constant disruptions. it can help professionals acquire the skills needed to navigate the complexities of the new economy, embrace emerging opportunities, and thrive in a rapidly evolving professional landscape.


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