Universal Mentors Association

eBook Launch: How To Get The Most Out Of Your First Year Using An LMS


How Do You Leverage Your New LMS To The Max?

Whether you’ve just invested in your first LMS or are still weighing the L&D options and trying to make a strong business case for new training software, knowing how to make the most of Learning Management Systems from day one is of the utmost importance. Fortunately, this eBook by Brainier can help you maximize your LMS during the first year so that you can improve ROI and increase employee engagement for many more to come.

eBook Release: How To Get The Most Out Of Your First Year Using An LMS

eBook Release

How To Get The Most Out Of Your First Year Using An LMS

Explore a roadmap for ways that learning programs frequently progress and discover common goals along the way.

Why Time Is Of The Essence

Steep tech learning curves and mismatched features can derail your learning program and diminish ROI from the outset. It may take some time to get used to your new software and master all of its functionalities. Still, the sooner you get your L&D initiatives off the ground, the sooner you can measure results and make adjustments accordingly. Even in the first year, you must be able to prove that your Learning Management System is worth the investment and get internal buy-in that goes beyond the initial purchase. For example, learners are fully engaging with the courses, and your L&D or HR team can roll out new programs with ease to keep up with industry trends, compliance regulations, and employees’ needs.

About This eBook

How to create a solid plan of action to quickly overcome implementation challenges? What’s the most effective way to measure ROI and demonstrate that your LMS is making an impact? Here’s a brief glimpse of what you’ll find in this guide by Brainier:

  • Looking At Causes For A Change
  • Crafting A Plan
  • Core Elements Of Any Successful Implementation
  • Measure Effectiveness
  • Prove Profitability

How To Get Your Copy

Download the eBook How To Get The Most Out Of Your First Year Using An LMS today to discover the obstacles L&D leaders face when measuring learning outcomes and how you can evaluate progress early on.


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