Whether you’re a P.E. teacher, volleyball coach, or a parent looking for ways to help players grow, having some solid volleyball drills is essential. These activities can help students improve their overall performance and give specific skills, such as setting, passing, and serving, a boost. This list of drills will not only help with training and conditioning, it will also be a lot of fun!
Volleyball Drills for Elementary School
1. Teach Mini Volleyball for 6-to-9-Year-Olds
This modified, condensed version of volleyball is perfect for younger kids.
2. Volleyball Drills for Ages 10 to 12
These drills are perfect for fostering communication and coordination among upper elementary students.
3. Elementary Volleyball – Handling the Ball
This video highlights the motor, problem-solving, and behavioral skills needed for handling the ball and includes a variety of drills and games to practice with kids.
4. Elementary Volleyball Presentation
This video offers games and activities to improve presentation skills and includes an assessment.
Volleyball Drills for Middle School and High School
5. Improve the Passing of Middle School Volleyball Players
This video showcases the “Butterfly,” which encourages players to quickly learn how to properly dig a ball.
6. Dynamic Practice Design and Drills
Use your practice time as efficiently as possible with this video that shows you how to integrate a complete arsenal of fast-paced drills into any high school practice plan.
7. “Hit the Deck” Volleyball Drill
This drill demonstrates how to add a level of pressure to practice so players are better equipped on game day.
8. Competitive Volleyball Drills for Offense and Defense
These drills will improve your players’ offensive efficiency and defensive competitiveness.
Volleyball Drills for Beginners
9. Drills for Beginners
These drills are very good for improving reaction speed and readiness.
10. How To Overhand Serve for Beginners
Overhand serving is a skill that takes time to learn, but this tutorial breaks it down into easy steps.
11. Best Volleyball Spiking Drills for Beginners
These step-by-step exercises will help beginners learn how to spike a volleyball or how to spike harder with much more ball control.
12. 3 Basic Skills in Volleyball
This helpful video covers serving, passing, and setting to help new volleyball players get started.
Volleyball Warm-Up Drills
13. Volleyball: Warm-Ups & Passing Drills
This video provides tips for shuffling, passing form, stationary drills, calming the ball, and more.
14. Hit the Antenna
With this drill, players get the opportunity to work on a variety of volleyball skills with the end goal being to hit the antenna at the end of every “hole.”
15. High-Intensity Warm-Up Drills
Elevate your normal warm-up routine with these drills that focus on being goal-oriented and competitive while players learn how to compete and prepare themselves for game situations.
Volleyball Setting Drills
16. Best Setter Volleyball Training
17. Setting Drills
18. How To Become a Better Volleyball Setter ft. Team USA’s Rachael Adams
Olympian volleyball player for Team USA Rachael Adams will show you the correct hand positioning, some drills to improve your setting, and common mistakes to avoid.
Volleyball Passing Drills
19. Partner Drills
This video covers partner passing, knee passing, pass and sprint, side-to-side passing, and under-the-net shuffle passing.
20. Passing Fundamental Techniques & Drills
These drills cover fundamental passing technique and footwork and focus on medium posture stance, one-motion platform, and shuffle footwork.
21. How To Pass a Volleyball
Learn the fundamentals of passing a volleyball with details about an effective ready position, platform, and passing motion.
Volleyball Serving Drills
22. Serving Progression Drill
This drill walks us through a serving progression that helps to break down each step of serving and teaches athletes to toss the ball in the right spot.
23. Overhand Serve a Volleyball Over the Net!
There are several parts of the serve that are fundamental, and these drills will help you improve an overhand serve quickly!
24. Skill Development Drills: Serving
This video takes a comprehensive look at serving and how you can train your team to serve more efficiently and aggressively.
Volleyball Hitting Drills
25. Discover a Hitting Drill From John Dunning!
In this video, watch a hitting drill that will help setters get the ball to hitters even if the initial pass isn’t perfect.
26. 3-1 to 3 Hitting Drill
This drill puts emphasis on minimizing errors on offense and working together as one cohesive team on offense.
27. The L Hitting Drill
This video highlights the techniques needed when hitting three different sets during this L drill.
Volleyball Conditioning Drills
28. How Can a Volleyball Player Jump Higher and Quicker?
In this video, the focus is on developing reactive strength and why it’s essential for getting off the ground faster.
29. The 13 Best Ball-Control Drills
In this video, review exercises that are good for speed, agility, and coordination to improve the ball control of volleyball players.
30. Volleyball Agility and Ball Control Drills
This video shares volleyball exercises that can be used to improve readiness, speed, agility, and ball control.
31. Anaerobic Conditioning for Volleyball Players
With an emphasis on anaerobic conditioning, this video covers 10 effective conditioning drills for middle school and high school volleyball players.
What are your favorite volleyball drills? Come and share in our HELPLINE group on Facebook.
Plus, check out 24 Fun Basketball Drills To Try With Young Athletes.
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